The government today announced that press censorship was being lifted. 政府今天宣布将取消新闻审查制度。
The press reacted to the demand for censorship with angry editorials. 报界用一篇篇充满愤怒言辞的社论回答新闻检查的要求。
That country adopted press censorship. 那个国家采取了新闻检查制度。
Egypt's press, though freer, remains subject to subtle and sometimes overt pressures to curb criticism: newspaper columnists have taken to leaving their spaces blank in protest at renewed censorship. 埃及的新闻业虽然自由度比较高,却依然受制于无形的、有时候是公开的压力,从而抑制他们发表抨击言论。报纸专栏作家不得不什么都不写来抗议新出台的审查制度。
In August he promised to reform the system of press censorship. 在八月他承诺要对新闻审查制度进行改革。
The main theme of discussion was press censorship. 讨论的主题是新闻审查制度。
The press is free; censorship can never be established; security from authors, publishers or printers can-not be demanded. 新闻出版是自由的;决不可设置审查;不可强求作者、出版人或印刷商出具保证。
But the ultimate way to solve this problem is the cooperation of the justicer, bar and press, and equal treatments done by the censorship of violating constitution. 但是,解决此问题的根本点却在于法官、记者与律师的合作及违宪审查机构的公正处理。
The censorship which started from administrative filed had been used for the field of press censorship, and gradually become the administrative subject of censorship-News Ombudsmen. 发端于行政法领域的行政监察专员制度经演变,已应用于新闻领域,并逐步成为新闻审查主体&新闻监察专员。
They are not antagonistic, but symbiotic interdependence and development. Chapter ⅱ" evolution of press censorship and limited freedom "The first time of press censorship is in 1417, the encyclic announced that all the books should be examined prior. 二者并非对立,而是相互依存并共生发展。第二章新闻审查演进及有限自由观。可查的最早的新闻审查源自教皇西克斯特斯,1417年他宣布对一切书籍事先要实行检查。
At the same time, they exposed the conspiracy of the Japanese news policy. They also criticized the news control policy and press censorship which were implemented by Nanjing National Government. 同时揭露日本新闻政策的阴谋,批判国民政府的新闻统制和新闻检查制度。